Types of children crime in Bangladesh

sadik-71Slavery social and legal system permitting human beings to be bought and sold in the formal market and forced to work for the purchasers as their private property.The rise of free labor ,gradual industrialization and humanist movements from the second half of the nineteenth century made slavery gradually unpopular and socially unacceptable.Bengal free from slavery from the early twentieth century.As free labor was not available in the market ,socially and economically weaker elements in the society were reduced to slave by in order to sustain production and maintain their dominance.To continue and sustain public works like constructions and maintenance of public buildings ,dams,bridges,highways,the city needed big labor force.People marginalized by famines,wars and caste system were the main victims of slavery.Many of the orphans,paupers,widows also ended up on the market.Thugs and other criminal elements kidnapped children for selling them.There were two dominant categories of slaves:Domestic slave and Agrestic slave.Most agrestic slavery was a common features of in bengla from ancient times of the end of nineteenth century.Today,we can not see slavery,but still many peoples and children works like slavery.

2.physical and mental torture

 In many ways, a sexually abused child is abuse twice, by the perpetrator physically, and second by society, both psychologically and socially. The matter  becomes even more traumatic because the child and his family have to observe forced “silence”on the matter. It may cause lots of bad effects among our children. We can reduce it by takingsame steps.

http://shiblysadik.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/sadik61.jpg Child sexual abuse affects all strata of Bangladeshi society. Children are vulnerable froma very young age, with the risks for boys diminishing in their mid-teens as their physical strengthin creases.Overall, girls are much more at risk and children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable, as they are perceived to be easy to be victims. There are different types of child abuse in different countries. In many ways, a sexually abused child is abuse twice, by the perpetrator physically, and second by society, both psychologically and socially. The matter  becomes even more traumatic because the child and his family have to observe forced “silence”on the matter. It may cause lots of bad effects among our children. We can reduce it by takingsame steps. Especially Parents & Government can play main roll for reducing child abuse. Itshould be stop for our better society. The government of Bangladesh too appears to berecognizing the growing problem and has introduced tougher laws to prevent it, though itseffective implementation is yet to be seen. We need such are society where the child get enoughfreedom which they actually deserve. Moreover we have to ensure an environment where theyget the proper care & facility to grow up them completely and properly. We can say that childabuse is not only wrong but also it’s immoral

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